Farrow and Ball 6 Year Full Gloss
- Acid Drop No. 9908
- All White No. 2005
- Ammonite No. 274
- Ancona Blue No. 9805
- Archive No. 227
- Arsenic No. 214
- Ash Grey No. W9
- Babouche No. 223
- Ball Green No. 75
- Ballroom Blue No. 24
- Bamboozle No. 304
- Bancha No. 298
- Barrow Blue No. G8
- Bay Area Blue No. 9815
- Beetle Black No. G16
- Belvedere Blue No. 215
- Berrington Blue No. 14
- Beverly No. 310
- Bible Black No. 225
- Biscuit No. 38
- Bisque No. 9811
- Black Blue No. 95
- Blackened No. 2011
- Blanc de Chine No. 9814
- Blanc De Treillage No. G1
- Blazer No. 212
- Blooth Pink No. 9806
- Blue Gray No. 91
- Blue Ground No. 210
- Bombazine No. 9902
- Bone No. 15
- Book Room Red No. 50
- Borrowed Light No. 235
- Bothy Blue No. G11
- Brassica No. 271
- Breakfast Room Green No. 81
- Brinjal No. 222
- Broccoli Brown No. W108
- Buff No. 20
- Butterweed No. 9802
- Cabbage White No. 269
- Calamine No. 230
- Calke Green No. 34
- Calluna No. 270
- Cane No. 53
- Card Room Green No. 79
- Carriage Green No. 94
- Castle Gray No. 92
- Cat's Paw No. 240
- Chappell Green No. 83
- Charleston Gray No. 243
- Charlotte's Locks No. 268
- Chemise No. 216
- Chine Green No. 35
- Chinese Blue No. 90
- Churlish Green No. 251
- Ciara Yellow No. 73
- Cinder Rose No. 246
- Citron No. 74
- Clunch No. 2009
- Cola No. 9918
- Cook's Blue No. 237
- Cooking Apple Green No. 32
- Copenhagen Roof No. 9816
- Coppice Blue No. G9
- Cord No. 16
- Cornforth White No. 228
- Corngold No. 9915
- Cream No. 44
- Crimson Red No. W93
- Cromarty No. 285
- Danish Lawn No. 9817
- Dauphin No. 54
- Dayroom Yellow No. 233
- De Nimes No. 299
- Dead Salmon No. 28
- Deep Reddish Brown No. W101
- Dimity No. 2008
- Dimpse No. 277
- Dinnerware No. 9820
- Dix Blue No. 82
- Dorset Cream No. 68
- Double Cream No. 9907
- Dove Tale No. 267
- Down Pipe No. 26
- Drab No. 41
- Drawing Room Blue No. 253
- Drop Cloth No. 283
- Duck Green No. W55
- Dutch Orange No. W76
- Dutch Pink No. 62
- Dyrehaven No. 9819
- Eating Room Red No. 43
- Eddy No. 301
- Elephant's Breath No. 229
- Emerald Green No. W53
- Entrance Hall Pink No. 61
- Etruscan Red No. 56
- Fake Tan No. 9912
- Farrow's Cream No. 67
- Farrow's White No. 9812
- Fawn No. 10
- Folly Green No. 76
- Folly Pink No. G14
- Fowler Pink No. 39
- Fox Red No. 48
- French Gray No. 18
- Fruit Fool No. 9911
- Gervase Yellow No. 72
- Grate Black No. 9920
- Graupel No. G10
- Great White No. 2006
- Green Blue No. 84
- Green Ground No. 206
- Green Smoke No. 47
- Green Stone No. 12
- Grove Green No. G17
- Hague Blue No. 30
- Hardwick White No. 5
- Harissa No. 9916
- Hay No. 37
- Hopper Head No. 305
- Hound Lemon No. 2
- House White No. 2012
- Imperial Purple No. W40
- Incarnadine No. 248
- Inchyra Blue No. 289
- India Yellow No. 66
- James White No. 2010
- Jitney No. 293
- Joa's White No. 226
- Kittiwake No. 307
- Lake Red No. W92
- Lamp Room Gray No. 88
- Lancaster Yellow No. 249
- Lichen No. 19
- Light Blue No. 22
- Light Gray No. 17
- Light Stone No. 9
- Lime White No. 1
- Loggia No. 232
- London Clay No. 244
- London Stone No. 6
- Lulworth Blue No. 89
- Mahogany No. 36
- Manor House Gray No. 265
- Matchstick No. 2013
- Menagerie No. 63
- Mere Green No. 219
- Middle Ground No. 209
- Middleton Pink No. 245
- Minster Green No. 224
- Mizzle No. 266
- Mole's Breath No. 276
- Monkey Puzzle No. 238
- Mortar Pink No. G13
- Mouse's Back No. 40
- Nancy's Blushes No. 278
- New White No. 59
- Octagon Yellow No. 7
- Off-Black No. 57
- Off-White No. 3
- Ointment Pink No. 21
- Old White No. 4
- Olive No. 13
- Orange coloured White No. W5
- Orangery No. 70
- Oval Room Blue No. 85
- Oxford Stone No. 264
- Paean Black No. 294
- Pale Hound No. 71
- Pale Powder No. 204
- Pantalon No. 221
- Parma Gray No. 27
- Pavilion Blue No. 252
- Pavilion Gray No. 242
- Pea Green No. 33
- Peignoir No. 286
- Pelt No. 254
- Picture Gallery Red No. 42
- Pigeon No. 25
- Pink Cup No. 9801
- Pink Drab No. 207
- Pink Ground No. 202
- Pitch Black No. 256
- Pitch Blue No. 220
- Planter No. G5
- Plummett No. 272
- Pointing No. 2003
- Pond Green No. G7
- Porphyry Pink No. 49
- Potted Shrimp No. 9906
- Powder Blue No. 23
- Preference Red No. 297
- Print Room Yellow No. 69
- Purbeck Stone No. 275
- Radicchio No. 96
- Railings No. 31
- Rangwali No. 296
- Rectory Red No. 217
- Red Earth No. 64
- Ringwold Ground No. 208
- Salon Drab No. 290
- Sand No. 45
- Sap Green No. W56
- Savage Ground No. 213
- Saxon Green No. 80
- School House White No. 291
- Selvedge No. 306
- Serge No. 9919
- Setting Plaster No. 231
- Shaded White No. 201
- Shadow Gray No. 9904
- Shadow White No. 282
- Sherbert Lemon No. 9914
- Singed Red No. G15
- Single Cream No. 9901
- Skimmed milk White No. W7
- Skimming Stone No. 241
- Skylight No. 205
- Slipper Satin No. 2004
- Sloe Blue No. 87
- Smelt Black No. G18
- Smoked Trout No. 60
- Snow White No. W1
- St Giles Blue No. 280
- Stiffkey Blue No. 281
- Stirabout No. 300
- Stone Blue No. 86
- Stone White No. 11
- Stony Ground No. 211
- Straw No. 52
- String No. 8
- Strong White No. 2001
- Studio Green No. 93
- Sudbury Yellow No. 51
- Suffield Green No. 77
- Sugar Bag Light No. 29
- Sugared Almond No. 9913
- Sulking Room Pink No. 295
- Sutcliffe Green No. 78
- Tack Room Door No. G6
- Tailor Tack No. 302
- Tallow No. 203
- Tanner's Brown No. 255
- Templa White No. G4
- Templeton Pink No. 303
- Teresa's Green No. 236
- Terre d'Egypte No. 247
- Treron No. 292
- Tunsgate Green No. 250
- Turret White No. G2
- Ultra marine Blue No. W29
- Vardo No. 288
- Verdigris Green No. W50
- Vert de Terre No. 234
- Vichyssoise No. 9909
- Vitty Green No. G3
- Wainscot No. 55
- Wall White No. 58
- Wet Sand No. 46
- Wevet No. 273
- Whirlybird No. 309
- White Tie No. 2002
- Wimborne White No. 239
- Wine Dark No. 308
- Worsted No. 284
- Yard Blue No. G12
- Yeabridge Green No. 287
- Yellow Ground No. 218
- Yellowcake No. 279
- Yonder No. 9810
- 750ml
- 2.5L
- Acid Drop No. 9908
- All White No. 2005
- Ammonite No. 274
- Ancona Blue No. 9805
- Archive No. 227
- Arsenic No. 214
- Ash Grey No. W9
- Babouche No. 223
- Ball Green No. 75
- Ballroom Blue No. 24
- Bamboozle No. 304
- Bancha No. 298
- Barrow Blue No. G8
- Bay Area Blue No. 9815
- Beetle Black No. G16
- Belvedere Blue No. 215
- Berrington Blue No. 14
- Beverly No. 310
- Bible Black No. 225
- Biscuit No. 38
- Bisque No. 9811
- Black Blue No. 95
- Blackened No. 2011
- Blanc de Chine No. 9814
- Blanc De Treillage No. G1
- Blazer No. 212
- Blooth Pink No. 9806
- Blue Gray No. 91
- Blue Ground No. 210
- Bombazine No. 9902
- Bone No. 15
- Book Room Red No. 50
- Borrowed Light No. 235
- Bothy Blue No. G11
- Brassica No. 271
- Breakfast Room Green No. 81
- Brinjal No. 222
- Broccoli Brown No. W108
- Buff No. 20
- Butterweed No. 9802
- Cabbage White No. 269
- Calamine No. 230
- Calke Green No. 34
- Calluna No. 270
- Cane No. 53
- Card Room Green No. 79
- Carriage Green No. 94
- Castle Gray No. 92
- Cat's Paw No. 240
- Chappell Green No. 83
- Charleston Gray No. 243
- Charlotte's Locks No. 268
- Chemise No. 216
- Chine Green No. 35
- Chinese Blue No. 90
- Churlish Green No. 251
- Ciara Yellow No. 73
- Cinder Rose No. 246
- Citron No. 74
- Clunch No. 2009
- Cola No. 9918
- Cook's Blue No. 237
- Cooking Apple Green No. 32
- Copenhagen Roof No. 9816
- Coppice Blue No. G9
- Cord No. 16
- Cornforth White No. 228
- Corngold No. 9915
- Cream No. 44
- Crimson Red No. W93
- Cromarty No. 285
- Danish Lawn No. 9817
- Dauphin No. 54
- Dayroom Yellow No. 233
- De Nimes No. 299
- Dead Salmon No. 28
- Deep Reddish Brown No. W101
- Dimity No. 2008
- Dimpse No. 277
- Dinnerware No. 9820
- Dix Blue No. 82
- Dorset Cream No. 68
- Double Cream No. 9907
- Dove Tale No. 267
- Down Pipe No. 26
- Drab No. 41
- Drawing Room Blue No. 253
- Drop Cloth No. 283
- Duck Green No. W55
- Dutch Orange No. W76
- Dutch Pink No. 62
- Dyrehaven No. 9819
- Eating Room Red No. 43
- Eddy No. 301
- Elephant's Breath No. 229
- Emerald Green No. W53
- Entrance Hall Pink No. 61
- Etruscan Red No. 56
- Fake Tan No. 9912
- Farrow's Cream No. 67
- Farrow's White No. 9812
- Fawn No. 10
- Folly Green No. 76
- Folly Pink No. G14
- Fowler Pink No. 39
- Fox Red No. 48
- French Gray No. 18
- Fruit Fool No. 9911
- Gervase Yellow No. 72
- Grate Black No. 9920
- Graupel No. G10
- Great White No. 2006
- Green Blue No. 84
- Green Ground No. 206
- Green Smoke No. 47
- Green Stone No. 12
- Grove Green No. G17
- Hague Blue No. 30
- Hardwick White No. 5
- Harissa No. 9916
- Hay No. 37
- Hopper Head No. 305
- Hound Lemon No. 2
- House White No. 2012
- Imperial Purple No. W40
- Incarnadine No. 248
- Inchyra Blue No. 289
- India Yellow No. 66
- James White No. 2010
- Jitney No. 293
- Joa's White No. 226
- Kittiwake No. 307
- Lake Red No. W92
- Lamp Room Gray No. 88
- Lancaster Yellow No. 249
- Lichen No. 19
- Light Blue No. 22
- Light Gray No. 17
- Light Stone No. 9
- Lime White No. 1
- Loggia No. 232
- London Clay No. 244
- London Stone No. 6
- Lulworth Blue No. 89
- Mahogany No. 36
- Manor House Gray No. 265
- Matchstick No. 2013
- Menagerie No. 63
- Mere Green No. 219
- Middle Ground No. 209
- Middleton Pink No. 245
- Minster Green No. 224
- Mizzle No. 266
- Mole's Breath No. 276
- Monkey Puzzle No. 238
- Mortar Pink No. G13
- Mouse's Back No. 40
- Nancy's Blushes No. 278
- New White No. 59
- Octagon Yellow No. 7
- Off-Black No. 57
- Off-White No. 3
- Ointment Pink No. 21
- Old White No. 4
- Olive No. 13
- Orange coloured White No. W5
- Orangery No. 70
- Oval Room Blue No. 85
- Oxford Stone No. 264
- Paean Black No. 294
- Pale Hound No. 71
- Pale Powder No. 204
- Pantalon No. 221
- Parma Gray No. 27
- Pavilion Blue No. 252
- Pavilion Gray No. 242
- Pea Green No. 33
- Peignoir No. 286
- Pelt No. 254
- Picture Gallery Red No. 42
- Pigeon No. 25
- Pink Cup No. 9801
- Pink Drab No. 207
- Pink Ground No. 202
- Pitch Black No. 256
- Pitch Blue No. 220
- Planter No. G5
- Plummett No. 272
- Pointing No. 2003
- Pond Green No. G7
- Porphyry Pink No. 49
- Potted Shrimp No. 9906
- Powder Blue No. 23
- Preference Red No. 297
- Print Room Yellow No. 69
- Purbeck Stone No. 275
- Radicchio No. 96
- Railings No. 31
- Rangwali No. 296
- Rectory Red No. 217
- Red Earth No. 64
- Ringwold Ground No. 208
- Salon Drab No. 290
- Sand No. 45
- Sap Green No. W56
- Savage Ground No. 213
- Saxon Green No. 80
- School House White No. 291
- Selvedge No. 306
- Serge No. 9919
- Setting Plaster No. 231
- Shaded White No. 201
- Shadow Gray No. 9904
- Shadow White No. 282
- Sherbert Lemon No. 9914
- Singed Red No. G15
- Single Cream No. 9901
- Skimmed milk White No. W7
- Skimming Stone No. 241
- Skylight No. 205
- Slipper Satin No. 2004
- Sloe Blue No. 87
- Smelt Black No. G18
- Smoked Trout No. 60
- Snow White No. W1
- St Giles Blue No. 280
- Stiffkey Blue No. 281
- Stirabout No. 300
- Stone Blue No. 86
- Stone White No. 11
- Stony Ground No. 211
- Straw No. 52
- String No. 8
- Strong White No. 2001
- Studio Green No. 93
- Sudbury Yellow No. 51
- Suffield Green No. 77
- Sugar Bag Light No. 29
- Sugared Almond No. 9913
- Sulking Room Pink No. 295
- Sutcliffe Green No. 78
- Tack Room Door No. G6
- Tailor Tack No. 302
- Tallow No. 203
- Tanner's Brown No. 255
- Templa White No. G4
- Templeton Pink No. 303
- Teresa's Green No. 236
- Terre d'Egypte No. 247
- Treron No. 292
- Tunsgate Green No. 250
- Turret White No. G2
- Ultra marine Blue No. W29
- Vardo No. 288
- Verdigris Green No. W50
- Vert de Terre No. 234
- Vichyssoise No. 9909
- Vitty Green No. G3
- Wainscot No. 55
- Wall White No. 58
- Wet Sand No. 46
- Wevet No. 273
- Whirlybird No. 309
- White Tie No. 2002
- Wimborne White No. 239
- Wine Dark No. 308
- Worsted No. 284
- Yard Blue No. G12
- Yeabridge Green No. 287
- Yellow Ground No. 218
- Yellowcake No. 279
- Yonder No. 9810
- 750ml
- 2.5L
- This product is mixed to order so cannot be returned
- High-gloss finish
- For interior and exterior wood and metal
- Durable and washable
- Lasts up to 6 years outside
- Water-based
- Low V.O.C
- Drying time: mins
- Coverage: 13 m2
Farrow & Ball 6 Year Full Gloss is an ultra-high-gloss water based finish suitable for both interior and exterior wood and metal, as well as bringing a touch of glamour to walls and ceilings. Full Gloss has a reflective 95% sheen that makes a dramatic statement. Resistant to water, flaking, peeling, and fading for up to six years.
Washable & wipeable. Not suitable for use on plastic. Not suitable for exterior decking or other pressure treated wood.
Farrow & Ball 6 Year Exterior Eggshell can be applied to various substrates, please refer to the product data sheet for a comprehensive guide to preparation.
Always make a test area before the application to judge the suitability of the product. Follow the manufacturer's instructions at all times. Ensure all surfaces are sound, clean, dry and free from dirt, grease and other contamination
Please note: Darker/stronger colours may require additional coats. The drying and recoat times provided are based on applying paint in normal conditions. Drying times may be longer in cooler and/or higher humidity environments. Darker colours may take longer to dry. Allow a minimum of 14 days before applying over solvent based coatings. This product should be applied in accordance with Annex C of BS 6150: Code of practice for painting of buildings.
Do not paint in temperatures below 10°C or in excessive heat above 30°C. Avoid painting in direct sunlight. Avoid applying outdoors if there is a likelihood of rain. For best results apply early in the day, allowing the product to dry before the evening.
Painting Interior Brickwork
- Farrow & Ball 6 Year Full Gloss may be used on interior brickwork - with the exception of Fletton bricks
- Once the appropriate surface preparation has been completed, apply two coats by brush
- it is recommend checking that all mortar is fully cured before painting. Extra care should be taken when painting solid brick walls, and any walls that aren't damp-proofed
- Minimum of 4 hours drying time between coats
- Donot use Farrow & Ball Masonry & Plaster Stabilising Primer as a general primer on sound masonry surfaces
Painting Exterior Brickwork
- Farrow & Ball 6 Year Full Gloss may be used on exterior brickwork - with the exception of Fletton bricks
- Once the appropriate surface preparation has been completed, apply two coats by brush
- it is recommend checking that all mortar is fully cured before painting. Extra care should be taken when painting solid brick walls, and any walls that aren't damp-proofed
- Minimum of 4 hours drying time between coats
- Do not use Farrow & Ball Masonry & Plaster Stabilising Primer as a general primer on sound masonry surfaces
Painting Terracotta
- Apply two coats allowing a minimum of 4 hours drying time between coats
Applying Paint to Wall by Brush
- Stir thoroughly before use
- Apply using a fine-tipped synthetic bristled brush
- Apply the paint in a vertical direction then spread the paint out evenly in a horizontal direction
- Allow 4 hours between coats
- On application of the final coat lay off the paint in a single direction to ensure that any brush marks and brush patterning effects (sometimes visible in certain lighting conditions) are minimised
Applying Paint to Walls by Roller
- It is not recommend applying Full Gloss by roller to large areas such as walls and ceilings as a decrease in sheen level and a slight surface texture (stippling) may be visible
Applying Paint to Trim by Brush
- Stir thoroughly before use
- For best results use a quality fine-tipped synthetic bristled paint brush
- Load the brush well and apply a generous first coat
- Brushing first in a vertical direction then in a horizontal direction until an even coating has been applied
- Finish off by 'laying off' the paint in one direction using light pressure, with the brush held at an angle of approximately 30°
- Allow to dry completely for a minimum of 4 hours before applying a second coat
- When painting doors or cabinetry, it's important to lay off (paint your final strokes) in the direction of the grain, finishing the brush stroke at the visible carpentry joints for a flawless finish
Applying Paint to Trim by Roller
- Stir thoroughly before use
- Paint can be applied using a medium pile woven polyester roller, this will provide a good finish with minimal stippling and is a quick method of application
- Where an optimum finish is required, it is recommended brush application using a fine-tipped synthetic bristled brush
Wipe gently with a soft damp cloth or sponge. Some cleaning solutions may mark the surface. Test on an inconspicuous area before use. Do not use bleach-based cleaning products. Allow at least 14 days before cleaning to allow the paint film to fully cure.