Ronseal One Coat Stain Block
- 750ml
- 2.5L
- 750ml
- 2.5L
- A water-based basecoat to protect your finished paintwork from stains
- Actively stops nicotine, grease, crayon and much more
- Ready to paint over in just four hours
- Drying time: 4 hours
- Coverage: 8 m2
- Coats: 1-2
- Coats: 1
Ronseal One Coat Stain Block. Stop stains in their tracks from ruining your finished emulsion topcoat by permanently locking them in place. Perfect for protecting against nicotine stains, water stains, grease, crayon, wine and more. Best used on plaster or previously painted plaster walls and ceilings. Can then be finished with many different types of emulsion.
Please note: this is not suitable for use on wood or metal.
- Also available in a handy spray, Ronseal Quick Drying Stain Block Aerosol
For the best results with Ronseal One Coat Stain Block Paint, ensure surfaces to be painted are sound, clean, dry and free from dirt, dust or any other surface contaminants.
Make sure the source of the stain has been dealt with prior to application, as this product cannot be used on stains that are still damp.
- Remove any mould or organic growth with Ronseal 3-in-1 Mould Killer
- Repair any cracks or surface imperfections with a suitable filler, such as Ronseal High Performance Wood Filler
- Rub down area to be painted to a smooth, even finish
Always do a test area before starting any project to assess product suitability. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions on the tin. Use only in well-ventilated areas.
- Stir thoroughly before and during use, making sure to include pigment gathered in the top and bottom creases of the tin
- 1 coat is usually sufficient on previously painted surfaces, although a second may be required on heavily stained or bold colours
- If applying to bare or porous surfaces, thin with up to 20% water
- Apply generously with a microfibre roller or high-quality synthetic bristle paintbrush
- Allow 4 hours to dry between coats or before application of a topcoat