Zinsser DIF Concentrate Wallpaper Stripper
20 m2/L
15 mins
- A concentrated wallpaper removal solution for interior walls
- Breaks down adhesive bond between wall and paper
- Effective enzymatic formula
Zinsser DIF Concentrate Wallpaper Stripper is a unique formulation which contains a more effective blend of wetting agents that speeds up penetration of the wallpaper and re-solubilisation of the wallpaper for complete and effective removal.
Best used in conjunction with Zinsser Paper Tiger Triple Head Wallpaper Stripper Tool which perforates the wallpaper surface for direct application of the enzyme formula to the wallpaper adhesive.
Perfect for use on traditional paper wallpapers, vinyl-coated papers, paper-backed vinyl wallpapers, foils, mylars, grasscloth, textiles and even painted wallpapers.
- See Zinsser Gardz for sealing dry or porous stripped surfaces prior to redecoration
- Use Zinsser Peel Stop to seal and bond flaking and failing substrates that have been stripped, before painting
- If you'd prefer to cover the wallpaper up instead of stripping it, see Zinsser Wallpaper Cover-Up
Where to begin with removal
Grasp a seam or an edge and attempt to peel the wallpaper. Remove any easy to peel off areas first. Try a small test area and stop if attempts to remove start to cause damage to the drywall.
Vinyl Wallpaper
Most vinyl wallpaper is peelable, leaving the backing behind- always try and peel off as much of the top layers as possible before using a wallpaper stripper on the backing or adhesive residue, only score and perforate with the Paper Tiger Tool if this does not peel of strip straight off.
If textile has been installed directly over wallpaper adhesive, simply apply DIF- only some textiles need their surfaces scored with the Paper Tiger.
Foils, Mylars and other Sealed Wallpapers
Thoroughly score the surface with the Zinnser Paper Tiger Tool before application of Zinsser DIF.
Traditional, Painted, Coated and other types of wallpaper
Score the surface thoroughly with the Zinsser Paper Tiger Scoring Tool for maximum perforation, from ceiling to floor, just enough to break the surface without using excessive force.
Multiple Layers of Wallpaper
It may be necessary to remove each layer at a time, as the multiple layers will be ineffective against scoring and perforation.
Always try a test area before starting any project to assess the compatibility of the final finish. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the tin at all times. Cover and protect any items of furniture or carpet.
- Mix at a ratio of 650ml of Zinsser DIF Wallpaper Stripper Concentrate to 8L of warm water
- Apply directly to the entire area of wallpaper to be stripped, allowing the scored and perforated areas to absorb as much solution as possible
- Allow up to 10 mins to work and then scrape away the mixture of old adhesive and loosened wallpaper, being careful not to gouge the surface behind
- Repeat treatment on stubborn areas, leaving the solution on the surface to work for longer
- Once stripping is complete wash down the surface with warm, soapy water to ensure all remaining stripper is removed
- Repair any defects with Zinsser Gardz or Zinsser Peel Stop if necessary
- Proceed with further decoration with paint or wallpaper as normal